Xn, Yn, Zn, λn, Tn
and the complete solution
Hyperspectral Camera
VIS Hyperspectral Snapshot USB3 camera 16 bands
Snapshot Mosaic model. Scans: up to 170 cubes/sec
16 Bands, Spectral range 475-640 nm
Spatial resolution: approx. 512 × 272 pixels
Smallest and lightest Hyperspectral camera: 26 x 26 x 31 mm, 32g
1.6 Watt and overall SWAP are ideal for Embedded vision systems
USB3 Vision Compliant
VIS, NIR Hyperspectral Snapshot USB3 camera 16 bands
Snapshot Mosaic model. Scans: up to 170 cubes/sec
16 Bands, Spectral range 600-860 [nm]
Spatial resolution: approx. 512 × 272 pixels
Smallest and lightest Hyperspectral camera: 26 x 26 x 31 mm, 32g
1.6 Watt and overall SWAP are ideal for Embedded vision systems
USB3 Vision Compliant
NIR Hyperspectral Snapshot USB3 camera 25 bands
Snapshot Mosaic model. Scans: up to 170 cubes/sec
25 Bands, Spectral range 655-975 nm Gen 2 of the sensor
High reproducibility of results
- distances between peaks almost equidistant, position of the peaks differ from sensor to sensor by only +/- 1-2 nm
Spatial resolution: approx. 409 × 217 pixels
Smallest and lightest Hyperspectral camera: 26 x 26 x 31 mm, 32g
1.6 Watt and overall SWAP are ideal for Embedded vision systems
USB3 Vision Compliant